YOVI Ghana believes that equipping adolescents with comprehensive knowledge of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) is vital for their well-being, dignity, and future success. Our Youth Education Program on SRHR adopts a two-pronged approach, targeting both in-school and out-of-school adolescents. For in-school adolescents, we provide age-appropriate information and skills to inform decisions about […]
YOVI, in partnership with the USAID Feed the Future Ghana Trade and Investment (GTI) Activity, is currently implementing a project titled ‘Increasing competitiveness of smallholder women aggregators and processors along the maize, rice, groundnut and shea value chains for increased income prosperity, for 2023 to 2024. The project is designed to transform the landscape for women engaged in agro-processing and aggregation. As an organisation, we envision a future where these hardworking women play a leading role in driving agricultural innovation and economic prosperity in Ghana. By empowering them, we believe we can create a more inclusive, resilient, and prosperous agricultural sector.
Effective governance and civic participation are crucial for sustainable development anda thriving democracy. YOVI advocates for youth involvement in decision-makingprocesses at all levels, from grassroots to national, regional, and continentalpolicymaking. The organisation conducts civic education in schools and communities toenhance young people’s understanding of democratic processes, human rights, and theresponsibilities of citizenship. YOVI encourages youth […]
Building peaceful and inclusive societies is a core aspect of YOVI’s youth developmentapproach. The organisation recognises that young people have a critical role to play inpromoting peace and preventing violent extremism. YOVI conducts peace-buildingtraining programmes that empower young people with conflict resolution skills, earlywarning signs, intercultural understanding, and communication techniques. By fosteringdialogue and collaboration among […]
Food security is critical to ensuring the well-being of communities, especially vulnerablegroups. YOVI recognises the potential of agriculture as a means of addressing foodsecurity and promoting economic development. The organisation supports youth-ledagricultural projects, providing training in business development services, and resourcesto young farmers to enhance agricultural productivity and income generation. YOVI alsoadvocates for policies that […]
We are committed to fostering economic growth and empowering young entrepreneursby providing them with access to capital, training, and technical assistance. Ourcomprehensive approach aims to support various sectors, including agribusiness,agriculture, alternative livelihoods, and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).Additionally, we offer valuable business development services (BDS) to communities,interest groups, cooperative groups, and young individuals seeking to […]
As climate change poses significant challenges to communities worldwide, YOVIactively engages in climate change adaptation and environmental conservation efforts.The organisation believes that youth have a pivotal role in tackling these issues andpromoting sustainable practices. YOVI participates in international conferences,community-based projects that focus on climate resilience and sustainabledevelopment. These initiatives include tree-planting campaigns and awareness driveson […]
Education is the foundation of YOVI’s youth development efforts. The organisationadvocates for improved access to quality education for all young people, regardless oftheir socio-economic backgrounds. We collaborate with educational institutions,government agencies, and other stakeholders to develop and implement programmesthat enhance learning opportunities. At the government level, YOVI has activelyengaged with relevant government departments to champion […]
YOVI places great emphasis on promoting gender and social inclusion, particularly withregard to women and girls, persons with disabilities (PWDs), and other marginalisedpopulations. This commitment to inclusivity is outlined in the organization’s genderpolicy and strategy, which guides its actions and initiatives. YOVI believes in promotinggender equality and social inclusion as essential components of youth development.The […]
Child marriage remains a significant challenge in many regions nationwide, deprivingyoung girls of their rights and hindering their access to education and opportunities.YOVI takes proactive steps to combat this issue by implementing educationprogrammes in schools and communities. We work closely with stakeholders, includingtraditional authorities, religious leaders, parents, teachers, and community leaders, toraise awareness about the […]