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Using serene and enabling environment for good governance and sustainable development agenda in line with the dictates of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), YOVI is working with relevant government and community structures to support democratic rights and freedoms in Ghana, particularly Northern Ghana. Providing an enabling environment for citizens to have a say in how decisions are made is fundamental to ensuring that democracy delivers for all of society. Strong democratic governance is characterized by transparency and accountability in both the public and private sectors. A transparent, participatory governance process responds to citizen needs, resulting in better and fairer government policies and enhance peace and security. To this end, YOVI governance programmes promote open, informed public decision-making and principled democratic governance, enhancing a peaceful and enabling environment for citizens, particularly the youth, women and children to exercise their rights in a fair and just manner.

Key strategies under this prgramme include but not limited to advocacy engagement with policy makers, behaviour change in life processes at election and post-election times and how certain policies and protocols can be modified in the long run; lobbying higher-level political party members and social allies to champion peaceful election; creating understanding of the rationale for peace for effective leadership selection for good governance to address the development challenges of Northern Ghana and some parts of the country.

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