Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)
YOVI recognises that young people face unique challenges related to sexual andreproductive health. In line with our commitment to youth...
411 University St, Seattle
YOVI works with development partners and communities to bring about sustainable, inclusive development and improve the livelihoods of youth, women, children, and persons with disabilities (PWDs) in the following key thematic areas:
YOVI recognises that young people face unique challenges related to sexual andreproductive health. In line with our commitment to youth...
Child marriage remains a significant challenge in many regions nationwide, deprivingyoung girls of their rights and hindering their access to...
YOVI places great emphasis on promoting gender and social inclusion, particularly withregard to women and girls, persons with disabilities (PWDs),...
Education is the foundation of YOVI's youth development efforts. The organisationadvocates for improved access to quality education for all young...
As climate change poses significant challenges to communities worldwide, YOVIactively engages in climate change adaptation and environmental conservation efforts.The organisation...
We are committed to fostering economic growth and empowering young entrepreneursby providing them with access to capital, training, and technical...
Food security is critical to ensuring the well-being of communities, especially vulnerablegroups. YOVI recognises the potential of agriculture as a...
Building peaceful and inclusive societies is a core aspect of YOVI's youth developmentapproach. The organisation recognises that young people have...
Effective governance and civic participation are crucial for sustainable development anda thriving democracy. YOVI advocates for youth involvement in decision-makingprocesses...