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Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)

YOVI recognises that young people face unique challenges related to sexual andreproductive health. In line with our commitment to youth development, the organisationoffers a range of comprehensive SRHR services. This includes providing accurate andage-appropriate information about sexual health, family planning, safe sex practices,and preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV/AIDS. To reachvulnerable groups, YOVI implements […]

HIV/TB Community Systems Strengthening Programme

Gender-based violence remains a global phenomenon with the same root cause of inequality and gender norms. Contrary to established cultural norms, traditional values, religious precepts and social standards, violence against women and girls remains a nagging and turbulent issue to individual, family and community development. Reporting violence is generally low and is often treated as […]

Child, Early and Forced Marriage (CEFM)

Child marriage and teenage pregnancy in third world country is a misery and when it occurs in the rural setting of a third world country, it is more than a tragedy. Child marriage is a major threat to the survival, health and well-being of children and mothers, it denies victims their rights to health, protection […]

Peace-building and Prevention of Violent Extremism

“Peace like charity begins at home” Franklin D. Roosevelt (1936). Northern Ghana has over the years experienced conflicts of different dimensions, including partisan political conflicts, religious differences, chieftaincy disputes and a host of others. These conflicts have severely undermined efforts towards good governance, poverty reduction and the needed development in the five Northern Regions of […]

Removing Barriers to Safe Abortion Project

The project, “Removing Barriers to Safe Abortion among Young Girls in Tolon District of the Northern Region, Ghana” is being sponsored by Mannion Daniels Limited for Amplify Change Fund-UK. The overall objective is to scale up interventions on the prevention of unintended pregnancies and reduce barriers to safe abortion practices among young girls in the […]

Girls, communities sensitized on unsafe abortion

Tolon (N/R), March 19, GNA – School girls and community members in the Tolon District have been sensitized on unsafe abortion practices as part of efforts to get citizens to embrace issues of sexual and reproductive health (SRH). The beneficiaries included girls of Tolon Senior High School, and citizens in communities including Waribogu and Cheshegu […]